Georgia Drug Crime Defense Attorneys

Controlled Substances
Most laws pertaining to drug charges in Georgia are covered under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act and the Dangerous Drug Act under Title 16, Chapter 13. These crimes include drugs both illegal and prescription when they are being abused. Marijuana is also considered a controlled substance in the State of Georgia and distribution or possession of large amounts can results in serious consequences. These charges can also arise in circumstances involving only paraphernalia or counterfeit drugs. If you are facing charge for a drug crime, call The Berry Law Group right away. We have years of experienced defending people just like you accused of drug related crimes in Atlanta and the surrounding area.

Regulation of Controlled Substances
Controlled substances are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 based on several factors. These include the likeliness of developing an addition, the medical uses of the drug and the long-term harmful effects of the drug. The most serious drugs are considered Schedule I and the lesser drugs are considered Schedule V. The penalties for purchase, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of controlled substances are based on the schedule classification of the drug involved.
Dangerous Drugs
In addition to Schedule I-V drugs, Georgia Law Code § 16-13-71 (2019) also includes a list of drugs that have been classified as dangerous. Under The Dangerous Drug Act “it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association to sell, give away, barter, exchange, distribute, or possess in this state any dangerous drug” except under certain circumstances involving licensed healthcare providers and pharmacists.
In the State of Georgia, you can still be charged with a drug crime for marijuana related offenses. Under the law, § 16-13-30(j), “It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, have under his or her control, manufacture, deliver, distribute, dispense, administer, purchase, sell, or possess with intent to distribute marijuana.”