Georgia DUI Attorneys

Georgia DUI Defense
Under Georgia law, operating a vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol is labeled as DUI or Driving Under the Influence. A DUI is generally a misdemeanor, however, even a first time offense can result in many serious penalties. In addition to fines, community service and possible jail time, even simply being arrested for DUI in Georgia can result in a year suspension of your driver’s license. Contact a lawyer right away in order to fight these charges and protect your license!

Under the Influence DUI
Under Georgia law, §40-6-391, there are two ways a driver can considered DUI. The first is if you are determined by a police officer to be operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Often, this involves failing field sobriety tests as well as testimony from the arresting officer as to your visible impairment. Sometimes police dashboard camera footage is also used as evidence against you.
“Per se” DUI
The second way a driver can be considered DUI is if you are determined to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or more. This is determined with a blood or breathalyzer test. The evidence against you in these cases, called “per se” DUI, is harder to disprove, but not impossible. It is important that you work with an experienced DUI lawyer to help you fight your DUI charges.
Protecting You License
In addition to the penalties you’ll face if you are convicted of DUI in Georgia, just the accusation and arrest may lead to driver’s license suspension. For example, the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) will suspend your license for up to a year if you refuse a field sobriety or breathalyzer test. You must file a 30-day letter within a month after arrest in order to prevent license suspension. A DUI lawyer will file this letter for you and help protect your ability to drive, but you must call them right away.